
How To Use DarkFolio


  1. Fork the DarkFolio Repo from here
  2. Clone your newly forked repo using this command:
    git clone https://github.com/Your_Username/DarkFolio
  3. Done!

How To Use

Following the instructions below will help you understand how to use and customize DarkFolio.

Modifying the _config.yml file

The _config.yml file looks like the one below

Let’s start with the first 6 lines.

title: Github User
author: Github User # Your name!
avatar: assets/avatar.png ## Your Avatar
baseurl: /
name_color: Red ##The color of your name
email: Your Email!

The title is the site title, displayed in every URL.

The author is the author, so you. It is the name displayed on the main page

The avatar is the author’s avatar, to get your GitHub avatar, run

curl 'https://api.github.com/users/YOUR+USERNAME' -s | grep "avatar_url" | sed 's/"avatar_url": "//' | sed 's/",//'

The baseurl is the path, so, if you publishing your repo to https://your+username.github.io/DarkFolio, the baseurl would be DarkFolio.

The name_color is the color of the displayed name.

The email is your email, and is not used for anything yet.

Now, for the next 2 lines

about: I am a Jekyll Theme by RedYetiDev. I contain a blog page, a index page, and a project page.
description: >
  Your amazing description!

The about is the little paragraph displayed on the main page.

the description is the description to display on Google Search, if you were ever to do that.

Now, for the projects section

  - { name: "DarkFolio", repo: "https://github.com/RedYetiDev/DarkFolio", image: "../assets/DarkFolio.svg", website: "https://redyetidev.github.io/DarkFolio", package:"", details: I am a Jekyll Theme by RedYetiDev. I contain a blog page, a index page, and a project page." }

The name variable is the name of the project The repo variable is the repo of the project The image variable is the image to display, if none specified, a image of an ocean will be used. The path should either begin with .. or the same thing that you used in baseurl. [e.g. ../assets/avatar.png could also be /DarkFolio/assets/avatar.png.]

The website variable is the homepage of your project, (Optional) The website variable is the homepage of your project, (Optional) The package variable is a package of the project, [e.g. https://npmjs.com/package/_____] The details variable is a small paragraph to display about your project. You can repeat these for how ever many projects you have.

Next, Social Links

  github: RedYetiDev

The social links currently only supports github. Either put your username in this variable or put your username followed by a / followed by a repo, [e.g. RedYetiDev, or if I wanted to do the DarkFolio repo RedYetiDev/DarkFolio]

Lastly, permalink

permalink: /:title/

The permalink specifies how to use links. The reason it is set to /:title/, is so the URL of the posts don’t look like /Year/Month/Day/Title, instead they are /Title. You can change this if you want to change the links to the posts.

Creating Posts

To create a new post, add a new file to the _posts directory. The file’s name must look like so YEAR-MONTH-DAY-TITLE.md. For example, The year should be 4 digits, [e.g. 2021], the month and day should both be 2 digits [e.g. 02 or 31], and any spaces in the title should be seperated by a dash.

At the top of the file, the following should be present

layout: post
title:  "Welcome to DarkFolio"
description: "How to use DarkFolio"
image: "../assets/avatar.svg"

The layout should always be set to post The title is the title of the post The description is the description of the post The image is the description of the post, it should begin with .. or your base url. If none specified, the image used will be a image of the ocean.